In my life, I’ve had many experiences that shaped my belief in the power of the mind and the mind-body connection.  I have achieved success in all of these areas…

A lot of triathletes I know eat oatmeal for breakfast, myself included. While oatmeal is a great source of carbs to get your day started, eating the same plain oatmeal…

“Coach, I want to do an Ironman.” For many, saying those words are exciting but at the same time a little terrifying. It is difficult to open yourself up and…

No matter what part of the country you live in, including here in Northern California, it can get cold while you’re training outside and you’re going to want to be…

Efficient swimming means faster times with less effort.  Whether you are targeting an Ironman or a Sprint Triathlon, you don’t want to be totally zapped after the first discipline.  There…

Failing to plan is planning to fail… Every fall, I sit down with each of my athletes and we take time to look back on the season behind us and…

Don’t Forget That! How frustrating is it when you forget a key piece of clothing or equipment and, because you literally can’t workout without it, you CAN’T get your workout…

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