We posed a question to the Total Intensity Coaches:  What are your Top Five “Must-Do Triathlons?”

Each coach came up with their own lists, so it’s important to note that when we all created our lists, we didn’t know what the other coaches were going to pick as their top-fives.  The only caveat to our rankings was to NOT include Ironman Hawaii – that one is a given, so we weren’t going to include the obvious.

The Honorable Mention events were in our first installment.

Ironman Wisconsin was ranked as #4 and our coaches’ #3 ranked “must-do” triathlon is

Challenge Roth

Jenni’s Take (Ranked #4)

Who doesn’t love a PR, especially at the Ironman distance?  This race has a very calm water swim venue, net downhill on the bike course and a totally flat run course, which repeatedly produces new Ironman distance records.  The pro men’s record is 7:35 on this course and the pro women’s record is 8:18. No other course has finish times this fast so if you are looking for a big PR, this is your course! In addition to fast times, you’ll enjoy beautiful German scenery, lots of cheering from crowds on the swim and bike courses, and of course the post-race German beer.

John’s Take (Ranked #2)

Huge crowds, insanely fast times, this race is where all the Ironman distance records are broken.  The weekend has a number of other events – a Junior Tri on Friday, the Challenge Women 5K on Saturday and the main event on Sunday… not to mention child day-care available for Saturday and Sunday.  Fully catered to make it an enjoyable and memorable weekend for everyone.

As far as the race course, the swim is a single loop in the narrow Main Donau Kanal, allowing for straight open water swimming.  The bike includes two loops, highlighted by a climb which has thousands of franticly cheering crowds – visualize yourself riding in Europe in an environment similar to the Tour de France!  Do Roth and you can experience this first hand. The bike ends in Roth, and puts you on the run course which has two out-and-back sections, allowing for a very spectator friendly and athlete-centered experience.  You’re never lonely on this race course from start to finish.

To culminate the whole day, the countdown party at the finish line starts at 9 pm and goes to the end of the race… DJs, party music and fireworks will await you as you enter the finish line – all events should end like this!

Tom’s Take (Ranked #5)

Want to feel what’s it’s like to have a quarter-million people cheering you on?

Want to have the best shot to set a PR in a full ironman distance triathlon?

Want to follow in the footsteps of the greats in triathlon?

If so, Challenge Roth should be on your list.  Held in Frankfurt, Germany the destination is a great launching off point if you want to travel Europe after the race.

Please leave your own comments below and let us know what your must-do races are!

Now, here’s our #2 ranked must-do triathlon…